The contracts of RAFAKO and PBG Consortium with EDF POLSKA 11 decemeber 2012
On the 6th of December 2012 RAFAKO and PBG Consortium signed four contracts with companies from EDF Polska Group for turn-key delivery of flue gas desulfurisation plants.The total value of the contracts is 769.9 million PLN net, which makes it the biggest FGD contract in the history of RAFAKO.

On the 6th of December 2012 RAFAKO and PBG Consortium signed four contracts with companies from EDF Polska Group for turn-key delivery of flue gas desulfurisation plants.The total value of the contracts is 769.9 million PLN net, which makes it the biggest FGD contract in the history of RAFAKO.
The scope of the contracts is to design, deliver and start-up four FGD plants at Kraków, Wrocław, Gdańsk and Gdynia CHP Plants belonging to EDF Polska.
The contracts were signed by Paweł Mortas, President both of RAFAKO S.A. and PBG S.A. and Krzysztof Burek, Vice President and Commercial Director of RAFAKO S.A. EDF Polska was represented by Philippe Castanet, President of EDF Polska and Janusz Nowak, Vice President of EDF Polska.
Representatives of RAFAKO who attended the contract signature ceremony. From the right: Janusz Rydzak, Jacek Cielecki, Krzysztof Burek, Jerzy Mazurek, Andrzej Szmatloch and Wojciech Piechnik.