CR 40/2019 Notification from National Centre for Research and Development of RAFAKO’s qualifying for Phase III of ‘200+ units – innovative technology to change operational regime of 200 MWe power generating units’ Project 20 decemeber 2019
CR 28/2019 Execution of contract for comprehensive upgrade of flue gas desulfurisation systems on units 8−12 at PGE GiEK S.A. Bełchatów Power Plant Branch 5 september 2019
CR 25/2019 Closing of the procedure to estimate the value of significant contracts and delayed disclosure of inside information regarding a request to increase the price of the contract with Nowe Jaworzno Grupa Tauron Sp. z o.o. for the Jaworzno Project23 august 2019
CR 22/2019 Selection of best bid for comprehensive upgrade of flue gas desulfurisation systems on units 8−12 at PGE GiEK’s Bełchatów Power Plant Branch.24 july 2019
CR 18/2019 Professional bios of RAFAKO Supervisory Board members appointed for the tenth term of office by RAFAKO Annual General Meeting of June 14th 2019 28 june 2019
CR 9/2019 Memorandum of Understanding signed with JSW KOKS to confirm key terms and conditions for construction of coke gas fired power generation unit at JSW KOKS S.A., Radlin Coke Plant, Branch of KKZ13 may 2019
CR 6/2019 Selection of best bid for construction of coke gas fired power generation unit at JSW KOKS S.A., Radlin Coke Plant, Branch of KKZ19 april 2019
CR 3/2019 Execution of contract with Operator Gazociągów Przesyłowych GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. for construction work for Kędzierzyn Compressor Station project.15 february 2019