Current events
O drodze wodnej Odra-Dunaj-Łaba w Czechach 10 november 2015
4 listopada 2015 w Ostrawie (Czechy) odbyła się XIX Międzynarodowa Konferencja TRANSPORT, której tematem był rozwój infrastruktury transportowej (drogi, kolej, droga wodna) na pograniczu czesko-polsko-słowackim. W wydarzeniu uczestniczyli przedstawiciele rządu czeskiego, firm i organizacji (w tym także polskich) zainteresowanych tym bardzo znaczącym zagadnieniem. RAFAKO S.A. reprezentował Piotr Karaś, Dyrektor Biura Marketingu, który jako przedstawiciel raciborskiej Spółki udzielił wywiadu polskojęzycznej redakcji radia Český rozhlas.
Grzegorz Brożek - from turner to production director 4 november 2015
Grzegorz Brożek has been step by step gaining his education and career positions. His professional career started at FPM Mikołów company where he was working as a turning lathe operator. In the following years his responsibilities were more and more complex including managing positions. Since July 2015 he is a director of prodcution division at RAFAKO S.A. Privately, very active, he loves inline skating and skiing. He regularly visits gym, where he practice hard saying that after being exhausted in a gym he gets a lot of energy for the working days to come.
Road Show 2015 at RAFAKO S.A. 29 october 2015
On Friday, 2nd October a very unusual truck parked by RAFAKO premises. It turned out quickly that it was a special show vehicle owned by Clyde Bergemann company. The visit was a part of Clyde Bergemann Power Group promotion tour Road Show 2015. Before entering RAFAKO gate the truck visited Spain, UK, Germany and Scandinavian countries presenting promoting Clyde Bergemann products like sootblowers, ash handling systems and others.
RAFAKO volleyball team wins Polish Power Engineer Cup 29 october 2015
RAFAKO team was defending its title won in 2014. The competition was organised in Szczyrk on 8 - 11 October 2015. RAFAKO defeated teams from Bielsko-Biała, Warsaw, Kozienice and finally Energtyk Lublin team in the final.
RAFAKO signed contract for FGD plant construction at Białystok CHP Plant. 23 october 2015
The turn-key contract with ENEA Wytwarzanie Sp. z o.o. was signed on 21 October, 2015. RAFAKO will deliver FGD plant for K7 and K8 boilers at Białystok CHP Plant. The contract value is 78,500,000 PLN net (96,555,000 PLN gross) and its scheduled date of completion is 26 months from the date of contract signature.