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Change of management of the special purpose vehicle responsible for implementation of Jaworzno III power-generating unit 20 april 2020
Safety procedures imposed at RAFAKO S.A. premises and construction sites on 16 March, 2020 16 march 2020
RAFAKO and ARP agreement on Ebus 17 january 2020
Agreement between RAFAKO S.A. and the Industrial Development Agency on cooperation in selling RAFAKO E-Bus
Changes in the Management Board 8 january 2020
On December 20th 2019 the Supervisory Board appointed Mr Jacek Drozd as a member of the Company’s Management Board, to serve as its Vice President. On January 7th 2020 Jerzy Ciechanowski, Vice President of the Management Board, resigned from his position on the Company’s Management Board. The resignation is due to personal reasons.
New Management Board at RAFAKO S.A. 27 november 2019
The Management Board of RAFAKO S.A. reports that on November 27th 2018 Mr Paweł Jarczewski appointed Supervisory Board as President of the Company’s Management Board and Mr Jerzy Karney was delegated to temporarily serve as Member of the Management Board for a period of three months.
Agnieszka Wasilewska - Semail remained as Vice President and Jerzy Ciechanowski remained as Member of the Management Board.