
RAFAKO gets Polish Project Excellence Award 2019 7 november 2019

At the Polish Project Excellence Award 2019 Gala night, which took place on November 7, 2019 in Warsaw, the Competition Jury announced that in the category of investment projects RAFAKO S.A. became the Silver Finalist for the project "Construction of the Thermal Waste Treatment Plant for the Szczecin Metropolitan Area".

The award was collected by Ms Agnieszka Wasilewska-Semail, Vice President of the Management Board of RAFAKO S.A. together with the representatives of the project team present at the gala and the representative of the Customer, i.e. Zakład Unieszkodliwiania Odpadów Sp. z o.o. in Szczecin.

In the years 2013 - 2017, RAFAKO successfully participated in the implementation of the project, being responsible for the design, delivery and assembly of the technological part, i.e. grate, recovery boiler, flue gas treatment plant and the technological wastewater treatment plant together with the system of the storage and distribution of post-process waste for two technological lines with a combustion efficiency of 10 Mg/h each and commissioning of the whole WtE plant. The project was successful and the launched EcoGenerator (the name of this WtE plant in Szczecin) has been burning MSW (municipal solid waste) from Szczecin and from the West Pomeranian area since the end of 2017. The WtE plant is able to accept 150,000 Mg of MSW per year. The RAFAKO technology used in the Szczecin investment allows EcoGenerator to achieve a lower level of harmful emissions than required by Polish law and EU standards. EcoGenerator is an important source of clean energy for the city of Szczecin. Its maximum cogeneration capacity is 32 MW of thermal energy and 11 MW of electricity. In a calendar year, EcoGenerator provides electricity and heat to approx. 30,000 households. Thanks to this investment, Szczecin has become a city of the sustainable development, and a significant stream of MSW generated in this city is no longer sent to the local landfills.


The short story of the project: https://youtu.be/m-kjPLV3dXI


RAFAKO S.A. is the largest domestic producer of boilers for the Thermal Waste Conversion Installation and a leader on the domestic market in the field of desulphurization, denitrification and dedusting. The distinction received by RAFAKO from IPMA Polska confirms our capabilities and potential for effective management of complex projects.

IPMA (International Project Management Association) is an international association ofproject managera. One of the main functions is to promote awareness of project management as a profession that has a global scope, standards, knowledge and abilities.

IPMA unites project managers across all fields of human activity. IPMA issues the ICB (IPMA Competence Baseline) - standard of project management competences, i.e. standard of professional conduct of the project manager and project team. IPMA has developed a certification system for project managers.